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Lexiy Desktop now Available

edited April 2016 in Windows

Full installer with MS runtime LexiySetup.exe

Lexiy standalone setup (for people who've already got the runtime) Lexiy.msi


Lexiy Notes Windows Desktop BETA

This is the beta of Lexiy Notes for Windows. The basics are in and there are a few rough edges, but the essentials should work.

Change Log

  • 1.0.7
    start of rich text support
    links clickable

  • 1.0.6
    project edit, acquire focus.
    project delete dialog explanation.
    can set server URL in settings.
    change default server to

  • 1.0.5
    no longer say "OK" on sync success.
    increase bounce easement slightly.
    added crude UI scaling.

  • 1.0.4
    Prevent multiple instances running.
    update material
    text sizes consistent

  • 1.0.3
    Allow anonymous user to create notes (ie test drive)
    search box acquires focus
    moved database and files to c:\users\USER\AppData\Local\Lexiy

  • B3/1.0.2
    Do not save cipher key
    Force login each time

  • B2/1.0.1
    fix scrolling of project list.
    fix scrolling of settings page
    "forget password" not a feature for desktop
    settings, delete confirm option.
    FIX dns server not always correct.

Supported Machines

Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 or later.


Run the installer LexiySetup.exe.

You will need admin rights to install. The installer installs two packages:

  • The Microsoft Runtime
  • Lexiy

The Microsoft Runtime will install first. After which the main Lexiy package installer will run.


The installer will install a launch icon on the desktop and also in the start menu.


Click on the login tab and enter your existing credentials. This will log in the to server and automatically fetch your existing database.

If this works, you're good to go.

If you don't have an account, you can register one from the login page.

File Locations

Lexiy's files, including your databases are emitted into the AppData local area for the user. For example this will be:


Account files are named according to your login email, for example, fred_at_spam_com.db If you don't have an account, your database is named notes.db and subsequently renamed into your user account after registration.

The preferences are emitted into prefs.jsn

For the beta, a debug log is emitted into lexiy.log (in the same directory as the lexiy program). Consulting this can resolve problems.


  • you can force a sync by clicking on the refresh icon.
  • cut & paste within the note editor is possible using the keyboard (there isn't a popup yet). Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-A work.
  • You click and hold to start a text selection in the note editor (this is a bit fiddly at present).
  • you can swipe a note to move it to a project (like the mobile version).

Problems and Limitations

  • font sizes are inconsistent. I'm working on this.
  • links in the notes are not yet automatically clickable.
  • the "snackbar" at the bottom will often popup with "OK". This is currently a visual indication that a sync has been performed. Later this will be silent (unless there's an error).


  • Try running things like the install or Lexiy.exe as Administrator.


Problems, issues, suggestions and bugs, please post them to the forum.



  • Lexiy.msi works fine for me. No need to run as administrator any more.

  • thanks. the full version is the same but chains in the MS vc_redist runtime. This shouldnt be needed on windows 10 anyhow.

    working on an updater now...

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